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about champa noy

"Champa" is the national flower of Laos. "Noy" means little in Lao. So the two words together, "Champa noy," would mean "little Champa." But feel free to call me just Noy.

I gave myself and this website the name "Champa Noy" because I feel that the name represents both myself and all of life in general.

As I was first thinking of a name, all I knew for sure was that I wanted to use Lao words to feel more connected to my Lao heritage, as I was born in the US and my parents did not give me a Lao name.

Then as I researched things that are meaningful to Lao people, I came across dok champa. According to this article, The flower blooms every day and lasts for a very long time.

Not only was I moved by the flower's beauty, but also by its vigor and durability. It is always changing... growing... and it thrives for a long time. It inspired me to want to be like the flower. Although in some ways, I already am.

We all are.

We are the flower in that we are always changing, not only in ways such as changing our behavior and habits, but also simply in the way the cells in our body are constantly transforming.

We are the flower in that we are--in the words of Thich Nhat Hanh in his book The Art of Living--a beautiful manifestation of the universe that work in symbiosis to maintain the cycle of life.

We all are a little Champa.

about the site

I made this site to just give myself a space to let out my pollen of thoughts about everything I love. I'll let them fly in the wind, and you, as fellow champas, can decide if you want to take them in.

Overall, this is just part of a little Champa's journey of growing and expressing itself.